Term 1 Reflection

What is the best part and hardest part about Term 1?

The best part about Term 1 is learning about Modern Slavery in Identities and Citizenship. I have learnt that even still today, people are being exploited around the globe, being tricked or forced into working in inhospitable environments. It has really broadened my view of citizenship such as Global Citizenship as there are different roles and responsibility of a citizen.

The hardest part about Term 1 is writing the blog posts for the reflections, I have never expressed my opinions online before and I find it difficult for me to answer these questions.

How can I apply what I’ve learnt?

I can apply what I’ve learnt by sharing what I’ve learnt in this module to my family and friends. For example, I can help spread awareness about companies which support or takes part in Modern Slavery to my friends and family.

I’ve also learnt about the conditions our foreign workers are living in. Before this module, I’ve always thought that foreign workers needs and welfare are taken of. However, it has  been brought up to me that the foreign workers in Singapore are living in poor conditions, I can apply what I’ve learnt by supporting the initiatives to help those foreign workers who are mistreated such as those who aren’t paid on time and those whose injuries aren’t taken care of.

What else do I still want to learn?

I would like to learn more about the humanitarian crisis in countries such as North Korea and Syria and the problems the citizens there face daily.

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1 Response to Term 1 Reflection

  1. You can continue learning more about global humanitarian crises via websites like Global Citizen and even YES! Magazine (http://www.yesmagazine.org/) and New Internationalist (https://newint.org/).


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